Having Fun at 41!
I turned 41 on Saturday, January 14th. As I turn another year older, I like to think that I’ve become a little wiser and a little more badass lol
One of the biggest things I’ve learned in my life is that you can’t go back and change your past, but you can take control of your future!
As a teen and young adult I was not very active. I didn’t travel, I lived with fear, was afraid to step outside my comfort zone, and I probably drank and partied a little too much… my lifestyle and priorities were very different. I was nowhere close to the athlete I am today. Sometimes I think back and say “damn I wish I started working out sooner, traveled more…”
Now a days I don’t want to have any of those regrets or shoulda, coulda, wouldas… I dream big, I set goals, and I make shit happen. I don’t back down and I never give up. I do my best to be my best and live BIG every day. I love to travel & race and when I get to do both simultaneously, even better! I get uncomfortable, I try new things, face new challenges, take risks, try, fail, and try again and I encourage you all to do the same.
When you’re on our death bed I guarantee that you’re not going to be thinking… damn I wish I spent more time at work and less time living my life.
So now is your time. This is your chance and opportunity to live the life you’ve been dreaming of. Each day that we don’t act on our dreams is an opportunity missed. Hate to break it to you, but sadly we don’t live forever and don’t have the time we think we do. As a child, I thought I had all the time in the world and now it’s like I blink and another year has passed me by.
I have BIG plans for my future… both 2023 and beyond and I’m excited to experience all the wonderful things this crazy beautiful world has to offer. I am not slowing down anytime soon, so stay tuned for all of the fun adventures to come!
Happy 41st Birthday to me!!